There's nothing more paradoxically trivial, yet central to society and human psychology than gender:
- We use it as the bedrock for our identity, yet half of humanity doesn't share it with us.
- In groups, we care so much about it that men and women effectively live in different cultures.
- We build elaborate stereotypes about the opposite sex, but they are often wrong and only exist because we fear rejection too much to just ask. why gender-bending fiction?
- Characters are at their most interesting when life challenges them and they are forced to react.
- The easiest way to reveal someone's true nature is to challenge their worldview.
- I know of no more basic way to challenge someone's worldview than to challenge their preconceptions about gender. (eg. identity crisis, culture shock, etc.)
- In most fiction, gender-bending occurs in ways that characters never thought possible, which helps to unsettle the supporting cast too.
That's not to say that every story in this index is a gem. Some of them just use cheap one-off gags involving cross-dressing men. However, it's definitely a good start.