8 character records don't cross-reference their sources
A solution has not yet been decided on for false positives caused by real-life people and character records representing archetypes shared between many different fanfics.
The "characters" listed here are not to be used for new entries. They are holdovers from ancient records that haven't yet been brought up to current standards.
This analyzer will produce false positives in some of the more complicated types of multiple-participant body-swaps or if one of the individuals died in the process.
The ignored list is automatically generated from stories which provide characters for incidents in other stories. Please contact the admin if any stories in it incorporate gender-bending.
95 stories are missing links they really should have
Some items may be on this list because the site in question is missing a record it should have. In such cases, any help getting them added is appreciated. Others may be on the list because I don't know enough to choose a good eStore or officially-approved streaming site that isn't region-locked.
Fanfiction is ignored to prioritize entries thare are much easier to fix. Help finding supplementary information (eg. Wiki pages) or other places authors posted their stories is always welcome.
17 URLs would have their link type incorrectly autodetected
False positives are a known issue. Fine-grained support is planned for ignoring sites like FicWad where URLs don't distinguish between story links and chapter links.
6 link types have affinities but no equivalence roles
AnimeNFO.com (Anime)
AnimeNFO.com has a page for this anime series
Single Image
Direct link to the relevant supplementary image
More Information
Direct link to a review, fansite, or other specialized source
View the Lyrics
To gain further insight into this song, the lyrics may be viewed
There is a Wikia-hosted wiki with relevant content
AnimeNFO.com (Manga)
AnimeNFO.com has a page for this manga series
5 link types have no category affinities.
Community Site
Image Gallery
Imageboard or Author's Gallery
Story List
This page or site provides some sort of fiction listing.
Story Archive
This site hosts a variety of gender-bending fiction for online reading
Hear it Online
Listen to the full song or audiobook online
4 links are not unique to a single story
The most likely solution to the false positives in this meter depends on implementing support for marking stories as alternate-media adaptations of each other. (eg. an anime based on a manga)