| | Alanna: The First Adventure | Tamora Pierce | Central | 16 |
 | | All You Zombies | Robert A. Heinlein | Central | 32 |
| | Changes | Neil Gaiman | Central | 32 |
 | | Crewel Lye | Piers Anthony | Minor | 15.2 |
| | Cycler | Lauren McLaughlin | Central | 32 |
| | Evil Genius | Catherine Jinks | Minor | 4 |
| | Full Metal Panic! | Gatō Shōji | | 0 |
| | Glasshouse | Charles Stross | Central | 32 |
| | Harry Potter | J. K. Rowling | | 0 |
 | | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince | J. K. Rowling | Trivial | 4 |
 | | I Will Fear No Evil | Robert A. Heinlein | Central | 32 |
 | | If I Pay Thee Not In Gold | Piers Anthony, Mercedes Lackey | Minor | 8 |
| | Moonsword | Diana Hignutt | Central | 32 |
 | | Nancy Drew: The Mystery of the Brass Bound Trunk (1940) | Carolyn Keene | Central | 16 |
| | Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde | Robert Louis Stevenson | | 0 |
| | The Bone Doll's Twin | Lynn Flewelling | Central | 32 |
Tobin, the title character of Lynn Flewelling's "Tamir Trilogy" (there's a name change later; just go with it), suffers debilitating cramps and discovers blood in his trousers when he's about thirteen, and runs away from his friends because he thinks he's dying of the plague and doesn't want to give it to them. Nope, it's just The Awesome Power Of Menstruation breaking through the spell that's given her the shape of a boy since birth (a shock to her, but not to the reader). Given the amount of page space devoted to menstruation as the books progress, women in Tobin/Tamir's world must get their periods about once a week.
Known Incidents
| | The Breeds of Man | F. M. Busby | Central | 32 |
 | | The Dosadi Experiment | Frank Herbert | Minor | 22.8 |
| | The Number Of The Beast | Robert A. Heinlein | Minor | 8 |
 | | The Sex Gates | Jeanine Berry, Darrell Bain | Central | 64 |
 | | The Wind in the Willows | Kenneth Grahame | Minor | 4 |
 | | Thousandstar | Piers Anthony | Central | 30.4 |