| | Alanna: The First Adventure | Tamora Pierce | Central | 16 |
 | | All You Zombies | Robert A. Heinlein | Central | 32 |
| | Changes | Neil Gaiman | Central | 32 |
 | | Crewel Lye | Piers Anthony | Minor | 15.2 |
| | Cycler | Lauren McLaughlin | Central | 32 |
| | Evil Genius | Catherine Jinks | Minor | 4 |
| | Full Metal Panic! | Gatō Shōji | | 0 |
| | Glasshouse | Charles Stross | Central | 32 |
| | Harry Potter | J. K. Rowling | | 0 |
 | | Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince | J. K. Rowling | Trivial | 4 |
 | | I Will Fear No Evil | Robert A. Heinlein | Central | 32 |
 | | If I Pay Thee Not In Gold | Piers Anthony, Mercedes Lackey | Minor | 8 |
| | Moonsword | Diana Hignutt | Central | 32 |
 | | Nancy Drew: The Mystery of the Brass Bound Trunk (1940) | Carolyn Keene | Central | 16 |
| | Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde | Robert Louis Stevenson | | 0 |
| | The Bone Doll's Twin | Lynn Flewelling | Central | 32 |
| | The Breeds of Man | F. M. Busby | Central | 32 |
 | | The Dosadi Experiment | Frank Herbert | Minor | 22.8 |
| | The Number Of The Beast | Robert A. Heinlein | Minor | 8 |
<Foone> The person is intersexed (XXY) but physically male. He lived his whole life without knowing, but when they were trying to resurrect him through cloning they discovered the double X. <Foone> and somehow were able (I think psychics were involved) to discover that he felt happier when thinking of himself as female <Foone> so they corrected it to XX instead of XY <Foone> I don't know, I think this author might just fail biology <Foone> for one thing Wikipedia says that you'd be "effectively sterile" <Foone> but the book person had kids during his male life (and his female life, but that was post-genetic modification) <Foone> I'm willing to overlook the genetic weirdness, given that it takes place in a world where they can (non-magically!) resurrect people who've had their spine ripped out by alien grizzly bears
Known Incidents
 | | The Sex Gates | Jeanine Berry, Darrell Bain | Central | 64 |
 | | The Wind in the Willows | Kenneth Grahame | Minor | 4 |
 | | Thousandstar | Piers Anthony | Central | 30.4 |