| | Danny Phantom | Butch Hartman, Steve Marmel, Sib Ventress, Amy Keating Rogers | Minor | 8 |
 | | Dans la peau de Katsuni | Davy Mourier, Monsieur Poulpe, François Descraques | Central | 32 |
 | | Darkstalkers | Capcom | Minor | 8 |
 | | Detective Conan | Aoyama Gosho | Minor | 4 |
 | | Disney's Mulan | Tony Bancroft | Central | 28 |
 | | Disney's The Wind in the Willows | James Algar | Minor | 4 |
 | | Distance | Araceil | Central | 32 |
 | | DNA | Stephanie | Central | 73.6 |
 | | Dollar Bill | Tanglefoot | Minor | 4 |
 | | Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire | Michael Terracciano | Trivial | 2 |
 | | Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde | David Price, Tim John, Oliver Butcher | Central | 8 |
 | | Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde | Brian Clemens, Roy Ward Baker | Central | 8 |
 | | Draco Malfoy and the Enlightening Experience | JoeHundredaire | Central | 32 |
 | | Dream Journal of Harry J Potter | Crys | Minor | 8 |
| | Dressed to Kill | Brian De Palma | Central | 20.8 |
 | | Dual: Parallel Trouble Adventure | Kajishima Masaki | Trivial | 1 |
 | | Dude (Looks Like A Lady) | Aerosmith | Central | 16 |